Automatic Writing JAN. 1, 2020

alignment allowing assignment automatic writing beliefs creative process desire god god is god's will inspired action it is done knowing limiting beliefs manifesting natural creators process of receiving receiving release unfold unknown Mar 07, 2021

This was previously written on JAN. 1, 2020, FRI. 8:44 am M.T. 2:44 am

The idea that our beliefs create our world, and when we aren't receiving what we want, it is All Ways because our beliefs are the block.

There's nothing else stopping us from receiving what we want more than our beliefs.

So if we see what we want and feel as if it's not happening or it's too slow, it is ALL WAYS because of our own thoughts, beliefs, knowing is different from the thoughts, beliefs, knowing of receiving & experiencing & manifesting our desire.

Like Abraham says, our Desire and our beliefs are in discord. They are not in alignment.

So our job is to release the limiting beliefs that are creating the discord so we can attune and get into alignment with our Desire.

That's how we move from the past, lack, suffering, survival, doubt, fear, worry, anxiety.

We start spending more of our conscious time in joyful anticipation for what God has to offer so we can have our Desire, which is given by God because it's meant for us to experience ourselves as Natural Creators.

Our God-given Desires only require stepping into the receiving mode, which is in the Knowing it IS Done. It IS So. It IS.

From that, Knowing it IS Done, we can let go of needing to control the process of how it's going to happen, who's going to give it to us, and when. We let go and move about our day, listening to the next Inspired Action that feels fun and lights us up.

Remember, God wants what we want.

Re-Member God IS what we want.

Re-Member God IS who we are, so there is no separation from the Desire given to us because our Desire IS us. All Ready.

Then we release the thinking mind, allow the Process of Receiving to Unfold, step by step, piece by piece.

There is a quiet Knowing this is what I'm meant to do even if we don't understand how it fits together.

It's not our job to try to understand how it all works and figure out how to make it happen.

We release the past story of guilt, lack, fear, jealousy, unworthiness, need for attention, and validation, and we move towards God and our God-Self.

And ask: What is my Assignment today?

Please show me the way. I know You are guiding me, showing me, using me, and I step aside what I think, and I receive what You move me towards completion.

We step into the Unknown, where the Creative Process Unfolds.

I release my past, and I easily, quickly, freely move with, through, as God's Will.

Today and All Ways!

Thank You, God! I love You!

Cho Ku Rei Cho Ku Rei ChoKu Rei

With lots of LOVE,


#plantingseeds #yourgreatnessiscalling #moveonpurpose

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